Small business management counseling. Enrolled to practice before the Internal Revenue Service..
Don't waste any more time. Contact us today.
Why It is Crucial to Report Business Income Correctly To Keep from Owing Thousands of Dollars
Luann Wagnan has submitted this article for publication. Read it here before publication.
Invite Luann Wagnan to speak to your group
Our company has put together a program that may help businesses save thousands of dollars when filing the new Texas Margin Tax return May 15th. This tax has slipped up on most businesses and many accountants. A company that lost money for 2007 and would have owed no Franchise Tax under the old law may now owe enough money to put them out of business under the new law. We have put together a program to offer assistance to your members or we would be interested in doing a program for any size group Contact us for availability.
Unlocking Tax Solutions
for Challenging Times
7602 North Jupiter Rd., Suite 107
Garland, Texas 75044